Roksnet operates secure data exchange platform as the core enabler
for building digital society. The platform is based on the X-Road
protocol used by Estonia, Finland and several other countries.
Our experts have over 17 years of experience in Estonia, Finland and several other countries. The solution we are offering has made Estonia one of the best functioning e-Societies in the world where almost everything is done digitally. Roksnet offers the same opportunity for everyone globally.
“e-Estonia has been greatly made possible by X-Road - it has allowed us to build up an efficient, seamless and safe digital society. As Mr Riho Oks had instrumental role in the implementation of X-Road in Estonia and also its uptake in Finland, I am sure that Roksnet can in very practical and useful ways help you create safe and convenient digital services everywhere - they know how to make it work“.
“The security and privacy challenges facing Internet users are growing every day. The Roksnet Service, which makes 15 years of the e-Estonian experience available, is a big step towards a safer Internet.“
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 816731