1. Add system user whom all roles in the user interface are granted to:
sudo adduser username
2. Set operating system locale. Add the following line to /etc/environment:
3. Add the address of the X-Road package repository and the nginx repository to the apt repository
sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb https://artifactory.niis.org/xroad-release-deb $(lsb_release -sc)-current main"
4. Add X-Road repository's signing key to the list of trusted keys:
curl https://artifactory.niis.org/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add -
5. Install the security server software:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xroad-securityserver
6. During the installation you will be asked to specify the username (added at step 1.) that will be granted the rights to perform all activities in the user interface.
7. The other questions can be answered with their default values as they are detected from the OS.
8. Check if all the processes started. The following services should be running.(process numbers are just an example)
sudo systemctl list-units "xroad*"
xroad-confclient.service loaded active running X-Road confclient
xroad-jetty.service loaded active running X-Road Jetty server
xroad-monitor.service loaded active running X-Road Monitor
xroad-proxy.service loaded active running X-Road Proxy
xroad-signer.service loaded active running X-Road signer